Why heart rate training is so important

A pulse I the average number of heartbeats per minute, and a heartbeat is when the heart pumps blood through your body.

To find out the general state of health in heart and fitness, you measure your resting heart rate. The higher resting heart rate, the more the heart has to work to pump blood through your body. The lower the resting heart rate is, the better is your co

To calculate your maximum heart rate:
Women - 226 minus your age
Men - 220 minus your age
Example for a 58 year old woman: 226-58 = 168 maximum hart rate

Guidelines for recommended heart rate for different types of exercise:
60-70% of maximum heart rate = low intensity training
Your fitness improves while your body uses fat for fuel.

70-80% of maximum heart rate = medium intensity training
Endurance improves, your lungs become stronger and the the ability to absorb oxygen.

80-90% of maximum heart rate = high intensity training
Very strenuous, the oxygen absorption capacity is improved and the level of the acid threshold is raised.
Combine with low-intensity exercise.

90-100% of maximum heart rate = high intensity elite level training
Extremely strenuous with high lactic acid levels. Used by elite athletes during interval training.


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R.O.I. Wiveeffect