Facts about fat burning
Movement - the key to increased combustion
Afterburn, HIIT and the importance of sharpened fitness.
After 20 minutes of sitting still, your entire body has gone into hibernation mode – and so has your burning rate. It is enough to get up to make the burning rate increase, in fact to such an extent that 2.5 hours of standing time burns approx. 350 kcal more compared to a sedentary position.
But the best of all is of course to exercise regularly. Both everyday exercise and more pulse-raising physical training have a good effect on burning. And it's not just during the training session that fat burning takes place - the so-called after-burning lasts up to 48 hours after your finished session, but is usually most evident an hour after you've worked out.
Above all, the afterburn is related to how hard you trained.
If you want to burn fat after the workout, go for it!
The person who burned off 300 calories during an hour's walk does not have as high an afterburn as the person who burned off the same number of calories during half an hour of running.
It is not the number of calories that determines the level of afterburn, but the effort to which you subjected the body. Running therefore requires more post-work of the body than a walk. Research also shows that those who divide the training into two periods increase the afterburn even more.
If you train three half-hour sessions per week all year round, the afterburn alone accounts for a total of approximately 5,500 calories. It corresponds to barely a kilo of fat that burns on top of all the calories consumed during the sessions themselves.
HIIT – High Intense Interval Training
Exercising the whole body quickly and intensely is an effective way to lose weight and burn fat. Especially if you work in intervals.
The point is that the whole body should get a total run-through, which in turn leads to a faster weight loss. The reason is that so-called resistance training that uses several large muscle groups, and that only allows for shorter rest, causes fat burning to increase - up to 72 hours after training.
But the term "intensive" is relative. For completely untrained people, a brisk walk can be intense training, for others a tough run is required. What determines how much fat is used as fuel is, among other things, how high your heart rate becomes from the effort.
By training your fitness, you lower your heart rate and increase fat burning.
A key to higher fat burning is therefore to get in better condition.
An effective way to achieve it in a short time is to run interval training.
Every time you "max out" (even if it's for very short periods) your heart capacity improves. After just a few times, you will notice that you can train "as usual" with a lower heart rate than you had before, which means that fat burning increases.
The conclusion is simple: instead of just running long, low-intensity training sessions in the hope of burning a lot of calories, you will have a better effect on weight loss if you alternate with short, pulse-raising training sessions.
Since power walks are preferred to running for many of us, there are miracle aids for losing weight: Weight vests and walking poles with resistance - you increase your heart rate and fat burning increases dramatically. A fantastic alternative if it is not possible to go out on the track - rock ring with a weight of 1-2 kg.
For many, a few minutes of high-intensity interval training is just as effective as regular endurance training. Fitness improves just as much, something that has baffled science.
Which fats are good?
Coconut oil and dairy products are good sources of healthy fats.
Studies have shown that overweight people tend to get hungrier by eating a lot of fat at one time. Eat a little fat at each meal rather than large amounts at one time. And don't be afraid to eat fat!
The conjugated linoleic acid, CLA, can increase fat burning and improve the body's ability to build muscle during exercise. The fatty acid is found naturally in meat and milk, among other things.
Coconut fat contains MCT (medium chain triglycerides). It is not stored as fat in the body as easily as other types of fat, and can therefore have a positive impact on your weight loss. Studies have shown that women who ate coconut fat had less abdominal fat compared to women who had soy as their primary fat source.
Omega-3 found in fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel is an essential fatty acid. Many lose weight by cutting back on fat and calories. Then the effect can be that the metabolism is turned down. Omega-3 has the opposite effect – it increases the metabolism and turns up the body's metabolism. By eating fat you burn fat.
Smart everyday tips that turn up your fat burning
Stress less
High stress levels cause the body to burn fat more slowly. Your body burns more than 100 calories less during a 7-hour period when you have been stressed. This can lead to a weight gain of 5 kilos per year.
Eat organically
Some pesticides can negatively affect the burning rate. People who eat heavily sprayed crops have a slower energy expenditure and find it harder to lose weight.
Eat fruit and vegetables
Some researchers believe that the body absorbs and handles the effects of carbohydrates better early in the day. Eat fruit, salad, beans and so on for breakfast and lunch. No later than 6 p.m. in the evening, if you want to hit the wave full speed.
Build muscles
Your body converts the calories in food into energy, around the clock and even when you are at rest. People who have a lot of muscle automatically have a higher burn rate, because muscle requires more energy than body fat. 1 kilogram of body fat burns 4 kcal per day, the corresponding figure for 1 kilogram of muscle is about 12 kcal.
Eat natural ingredients
Unprocessed and natural raw materials contain a lot of water. Eating clean produce can do wonders for both health and weight. Fish, meat and root vegetables are good burner foods.
Eat the carbohydrates early
In the morning, our insulin sensitivity is at its best, so it is better to eat a carbohydrate-rich diet then. Bread and porridge for breakfast and early lunch, fill the rest of the day with vegetables and foods with slow (or no) carbohydrates.
Vitamin boost
Review your diet and vitamin sources. Lack of vitamin D and B can be linked to poorer fat burning. Stay outdoors in sunlight and eat broccoli, spinach or other green leafy vegetables.
Exercise before breakfast
Add a workout before breakfast and you can increase your fat burning by as much as 20 percent for the rest of the day.
Avoid alcohol
Alcohol contains a lot of calories and negatively affects fat burning on a hormonal level.
Sleep properly
The body needs rest, even when you are actively trying to lose weight. Getting enough sleep is essential for your hormonal balance and metabolism. Too little sleep can quickly cause stress, which slows down the combustion process. In addition, you must be able to train and must be rested for that!
Interval training
Vary your training pace! Women who take three brisk and two slow walks each week lose five times more abdominal fat compared to women who only take five slow walks during the same period. However, the amount of calories consumed is the same in both groups.
Chill in the heat
Walking in warmer temperatures requires a little extra, the warmer it is, the more energy the body requires to keep up. Your burning rate can increase by as much as 15 percent if you choose to exercise when it's hot.